Sunset At Raquette Lake

Sunset At Raquette Lake
Block I trip to Camp Huntington

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mastering The SMART Board

Over these past two weeks of my college courses, I have taken time two days a week to meet with a group of classmates and design a lesson that will be taught on the classroom SMART Board. I was so nervous! I had a little experience with SMART Boards in my high school math courses but never have to think of how to design anything on them.

The anxiety of learning how to do things on the SMART Board was quickly felt by my group mates and I. As a result of this (along with limited availability of using the SMART Board) we decided to design an outline of what would be included on our slides for our presentation. Then, when we were able to use the SMART Board application on some of the classroom computers, we played around with the buttons to explore how different things could be put into our lesson.

From our experience as a group with the SMART Board, we were able to discover how to add and edit text, how to add backfrounds, how to add graphics, how to insert links, and many other SMART Board features. We created a well-laid-out ELA lesson plan that we designed for 2nd graders. I am a little nervous about presenting our lesson to the class but confident that our lesson will be a fun, interactive learning experience for our Block I classmates.


  1. yeah that was pretty intimidating at first, but we actually ended up with a decent lesson! ... definately feel alot more comfortable with SMART Board now!! =] yay us!

  2. My only complaint about the smartboards is that only one person can write at a time. It would be more effective if groups could work together.
